Review : Momentary Ink Tattoo

Hey ! THIS WAS THE SUMMER OF TATTOOS! A few weeks ago, I posted a review of me using Inkbox Tattoos . This week I shall be reviewing a tattoo from Momentary Ink Tattoos ! Momentary Ink Tattoos is a company that sells temporary tattoos. Their quote is "The Look of a real tattoo, the life of a temporary one." It offers a range of tattoos from quotes to art, and also, it offers an option to create your own custom tattoo. Momentary Tattoos are quite different from the Inkbox Tattoos that I reviewed. First of all, these tattoo do not sink into the first layer of your skin. These remind me of those tattoos we used to get when we were kids with gum : the ones were you put them on the skin and cover them with a damp cloth. The only difference is that these are quite pricey and they look cooler. You can also customise the size of the tattoo, and the price varies according to your preferred size. I got the design Fly With Me which is a Peter Pan inspired tat...