A Fresh Start

Dear A-Blog-For-Thoughts, This is an apology letter. It has been over 5 years since I have posted on this blog. I never really said Goodbye to the blog, nor did I have a reason not to post anymore. I just stopped. Around the time I stopped posting, a lot was going on. I had experienced my first ever heartbreak. If you recall, I was in a long distance relationship back then, and that, unfortunately, failed. That was the start of a very weird few years. I had deliberated during the Covid-19 pandemic whether I should start blogging again - just to fill my time, but I didn't really want to drag everyone down. The pandemic really affected my mental health, but it was because I was stuck in a household with people that severely affected my mental wellbeing. The pandemic in itself was a much needed break from the busy life I had going on of Full Time Social Work Student, and part time waitress. I know that in the past my blog somewhat book-based, with the occasional Lush post...