Unboxing : Owl Crate October 2018

And we're back with another Owl Crate Unboxing. Are you surprised? I'm sure you aren't. October is here, and so that means cold weather and book cuddles. It also means lots of tea will be consumed by book lovers all around the globe (or coffee. Whatever floats your boat). Luckily for us, Owl Crate has got our backs and created the perfect box for Autumn/Fall for us. The October 2018 Owl Crate was themed Lost in the Bookstore. This box was slightly different from other boxes because most of the items weren't inspired by a book fandom. Once again, before I start to talk about the exclusive items in this box I want to talk about the illustration on the spoiler card and on the pin. The creative is just so simply drawn but it is so beautiful. What I love the most in this photo is the magic teapot. Every bookworm deserves a magic teapot to pour our tea for us when we are reading. Let's start with the items in the box. First up we have a lovely...