My 2016 Summer Reading List

Hey ! Ahhh, the summer holidays have finally begun. I know it's nearly the end June but I have just finished my finals ! Summer Holidays for me have consisted of 3 things these past 3 years : books, taking care of my sister/grandma, and studying to resit exams in September because I attract failure in my finals. However, this year will be a bit different since I have found myself a job ! Woohoo. The good thing about this job that it's 3-5 hours a day so I can earn money and enjoy the summer. Let's say I sleep for 8 hours a day and work for 5 hours a day, that is a total of 13 hours. That means that I have 11 hours a day to read and catch up on all the reading I missed during the scholastic year. Listed here is a list of books that I plan on reading this Summer. © These books I bought from the bookshop. Now I must admit that I have judged these books by their cover. I was desperate to buy books and I didn't know what to buy and I didn't ...