Book Talk : Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

Hey ! I must talk about this book because I have read it about three times and it still affects me in the same way. I originally found this book after I read Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I typed in "Rainbow Rowell quotes" on Tumblr and VOILA I found a quote to Eleanor and Park. The quote was “Eleanor was right. She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn't supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something.” That one quote sucked me in so I began my book hunt for this piece of literature. Let me tell you one thing, finding this book wasn't easy. We only have one good book store in Malta and they didn't have it; I asked for it 32143 times. One day it showed up as In Stock on their website so I ran to the store (not really, I caught the bus) but I still couldn't find it. I asked the guy at the register if they had it in that store and he pointed to the Child's Titles section. © This book is a Young Adult ...