Lush Review :Valentine's Day Products.

Hey !

So, I know that Valentine's day was nearly a month ago BUT I couldn't do this review because I didn't get my products until after Valentine's day. Today it's not just going to be a review about bath bombs but 3 different products : Unicorn Horn Bubble Bar, Prince Charming Shower Cream and Lover Lamp Bath Bomb.

Unicorn Horn Bubble Bar

This is the FIRST Bubble bar that I tried out and I LOVE IT.
So, I only used a bit and that bit wasn't enough for the amount of water that was in the  bath. I recommend using a whole bar if you intend to fill the bath up and stay in it for hours. The bar was easy to break off and it was easy to crumble under the running water. Although it has multiple colours, it turns the water into a beautiful shade of pink.
This bubble bar creates a relaxing feeling and according to my research it has Lavender (makes sense, right?) I'm not even sure what this bubble bar smells like since I can't even describe it's scent.

5/5 stars, and definitely will repurchase if it comes out next year !

Prince Charming Shower Cream

I would like to point out that this scared me. It was a dark pink colour,  and in the dim light of my grandma's bathroom I thought that I started bleeding. On the website it says that this has marshmallow root, Fair Trade vanilla and fresh pomegranate juice. I don't think it actually smells of marshmallow or vanilla (and I don't how Pomegranate juice smells like) ; however, I still adore the sweet scent that it possess. It is a thick shower cream and I don't think it lathered up quite as shown on their website but still a very good product.

On their website, Lush state that "Prince Charming will sweep you off your feet and carry you off into the sunset". Personally, Prince Charming didn't do that to this girl but that doesn't mean that I dislike it. If it comes out next year, I will probably get another bottle. 3/5 stars.

Lover Lamp Bath Bomb

This was so simple and so romantic and so relaxing and so EVERYTHING. When this little beauty dissolves, it leaves your water in a white colour which makes you feel like you're bathing in milk. Apart from little heart confetti, it had 3 big hearts which slowly melt away as you are relaxing, which turn your water a very pale pink. I can't tell you what I thought it smelled like because I used this with a stuffed nose but apparently it contains a combination of vanilla absolute, cocoa butter and orange oil, which I bet smells gorgeous. 

4/5 stars but I probably won't consider repurchasing if it comes out again.

I know that it's a bit late to go try out these products,if you haven't, because they are now out of stock on the UK website but if you have tried them I would like to know your opinion on them.

Until next time, lovelies


Follow me on Twitter : @Hashtagaby   Follow me on Instagram : aby1997.   Add me on Snapchat : aby1997.   


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