Christmas Wish List 2017

Christmas wish lists are something that should be started  at the beginning of each year.

Hands up if you spend the whole year wanting something, then forgetting every single thing when people ask you "What do you want for Christmas?" Don't worry, you're not alone. It happens to all of us. This year I have planned my Christmas Wish List from the day one of 2017 by saving all of the links of products that had caught my attention. Many things that I had saved, I have bought for myself. Other things are still waiting to be added to the cart.

This year I have fallen in love with the writing of Holly Bourne. After reading her trilogy of Evie, Amber and Lottie, I was delighted that she has a new book released. I know that it will be filled with witty characters and laughter and a whole lot of feels.

Do I need to explain this one? I ALWAYS will support bae. "See you in March ,bae!"

There are so many talented people in the blogging world that sell their artwork online. Jemma (Dorkface) and Tarnya's (SweetAllure) prints have found themselves on my timeline too many times AND I AM DYING TO GET MY HANDS ON SOME OF THEM. Check out their stores on Etsy because they are extremely talented.

From Jemma's store, I would really like to get a personalized print. I mean, who wouldn't want a cute print of themselves in digital form surrounded by things that I love in life? Everyone. It would make the cutest home decoration. The other print that I fell in love with is the one with quote. The quote is simply perfect. I feel like it's the perfect self-love quote.

Tarnya's prints are different but not less cute. Tarnya specializes in characters. She has a wide variety of Disney prints and Harry Potter prints. Totally perfect for a Disney fan and a Potterhead like myself. Peter Pan and the Hufflepuff badger are the two prints that I NEED to get. I have already visualized them on my wall.

Feminist Apparel Sweat shirts
Okay, so in 2017 I have really learned what it's meant to be a feminist (Thank you, Holly Bourne). SO, when I found this website I found a few sweatshirts that hold a very important message to me. The first sweatshirt is one that I picked out as a reminder to myself, and to others. Calling out sexism is only one step in changing society's mentality about women.  Also, the second sweatshirt is particularly one that I relate to. I've had a lot of issues with men pushing my boundaries this year so I felt like that sweatshirt would be great for me.

If you wanted to see what I wanted last year, you can click here.  Last year I wanted a bunch of practical things but this year I want a lot of cute af stuff.

P.S The colour in the collage is altered due to the effect of the design that I have chosen, and not the true colour of the products.

Until next time, lovelies.

Follow me on Twitter : @Hashtagaby   Follow me on Instagram : aby1997.   Add me on Snapchat : aby1997.   


  1. such a good idea to begin making a list before christmas, why have i never done that before?! swear i want/need things all year round and the second it gets to christmas absolutely everything flies out the window and i have NO recommendations for anyone! definitely going to make myself a list for next year haha.

    ahh i would LOVE to see niall live, his album is soooo good. ive been listening to it on spotify for weeks!
    total bae ♥♥

    katie. xx ♥

    1. It took me 20 years to figure out the Christmas list thing haha.
      also, I am going to see Niall in March, and I am BUZZING !!!!!!! Such a talent.

      Thank you for the comment btw !! xx


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