Ever miss your self?


I am sure that many of you relate when I say that I spend an enormous amount of time on Pinterest, and on one fine night I came across this quote *look at photo below* and it got me thinking about my first relationship and what I was like before….

Natalee M.C. // (via @these-teen-heartaches)

The truth is I don't miss how I was before we broke up. I had the most cliché idea about relationships that I got from films and books, and I needed the kick of our breakup to make me realize that relationships are nothing like that. I mean, I knew they weren't like that but I still acted with that mentality.

Another thing that was a good result of my relationship was the fact that I fought my Trichotillomania harder than I ever did before because the guy I was with hated my short hair. So for some reason, it was easier to fight the urges after the break-up. It made me want to make him see what he missed out on. I feel so much more confident now that I have successfully managed to grow my hair out nicely since our breakup.

Overall I am more content in life now. Yes, for months after the breakup I felt really down about everything but I am now so much more happier.

Until next time, lovelies.


Follow me on Twitter : @Hashtagaby   Follow me on Instagram : aby1997.   Add me on Snapchat : aby1997.  


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