My Favourite Bloggers

Hey !

In the blogging community the first thing you learn is to be supportive of other bloggers, and that is how you integrate yourself properly into the community. This means that as a blogger, you end up reading a whole lot of blog posts by other bloggers trying to make it out there. For this week's post I have decided to list the blogs that I enjoy reading the most, and that I constantly check whether they have updated.

Saira -Through The Glitter Glass

 Through the glitter glass is a random blog that I love. Saira writes about beauty, lifestyle and fashion. She also has a youtube channel ! I love the photos that are on her blog ! I came across her blog when I was looking for tips for interviews and her post called 'Getting your dream career and my story' popped up on my timeline , and I kept on reading her blog posts.

Well, the name is pretty self-explanatory as to what this blog is about.  Jen writes about most , if not all, Lush products that come out in the UK. I was convinced that she worked for Lush so I had emailed her to confirm but apparently she doesn't ! She is just a Lush fanatic, and who can blame her? What I love about her reviews is that they are so detailed when describing the scent and the way that they dissolve ! Everything is in so much detail, and it really gives you the whole image of what to expect from a certain product.

Jenny - Jenny In Neverland

I am going to be honest here. I started following Jenny on Twitter because she has the word Neverland in her twitter username ( because I love Peter Pan…just in case you didn't know) I realised she was a book blogger after a few weeks of seeing her blog tour posts on my timeline. I love the mixture of book reviews, tags , and tips posts that I can find on her blog. One of my favourite posts on her blog is actually one where she explained book tours because I had no clue what they were. I would also like to point out that her blog banner is perfect.

Charlotte - CharNicoleLucas

The reason I love this blog is because the person behind it , Charlotte,  suffers with Trichotillomania (as do I ), and I think it is so courageous to have a blog centered mostly on mental health disorders that you suffer from. Also, I know that there are many bloggers out there who suffer from Trichotillomania but since I see Charlotte posting about it the most I feel compelled to read her blog a lot. It's nice to not feel alone.

Charlotte is a also a graphic designer, and I just love her work , which you can see on her Instagram

There are so many wonderful bloggers out there, and I love so many of the bloggers that I have on my social media but when it comes to the blogs themselves these are a few of my favourites.

Who are your favourite bloggers?

Until next time, lovelies.


Follow me on Twitter : @Hashtagaby   Follow me on Instagram : aby1997.   Add me on Snapchat : aby1997.  


  1. My favourite bloggers are probably In The Frow and Hello October- both have such beautiful photography on their blogs as well!

    Julia // The Sunday Mode


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