Completed 2016 Goals


2016 is over. I can't believe it. The past two years have been so eventful and I feel like I can't keep up with them. I still have to register some things in my mind ! 2016 , as every year, had it's ups and it's down. Although this year was mostly ups, it's been hard to celebrate them since they all happened after my Grandmother passed away. I just wish I was able to go to her house and celebrate everything with her like I always did.

As I do every year, I write down a list of goals that I want to achieve by the end of the year. Trust me when I say that I thought I would get none of them done but I have managed to do quite a few of them.

  1. Grow my hair out to shoulder length
I am so happy that I have managed go do this!  My urges to pull my hair out have lessened, and although I've had a few stressful months I am so happy about how many days I have managed to go without pulling a single hair!
Left : December 24th 2015
Right : December 25th 2016

  1. Proceed to 2nd year in Social work university course
Not only have I completed this goal, but I also managed did it without having to re-sit any exams! For the past 3 years I had to re-sit exams in the summer and it was such a relief not to have to spend my summer days studying!

  1. Get a job
I am going to be honest. I didn't think that i was going to manage to achieve this goal because I kept sending applications and no one was getting back to me. Luckily for me, a friend of mine recommended working with him as an interviewer at the Valletta Cruise Port. It was a casual job, not working more than 8 hours a week but it was something to earn money as I kept applying for other work. Then I got called for a waitress interview and I was over the moon. So now I'm working at a restaurant!  I can't believe it.

  1. Read 30 Books.
This was a Goodreads challenge that I set for myself and I was so pleased when I got it done before I started my 2nd year of university. You can check out the books that I read on my goodreads.
  1. Enter a writing competition
Finding an online competition that had no registration fees was actually quite difficult. I am confident in my writing not that much so I didn't want to spend money on registration fees. In order to complete this goal I came across Creative Writing Ink that ,apart from displaying external competitions, they run 2 internal competetions which are the Free to Enter Creative Writing InkCompetition and the Writing Prompt Competition. I entered for 3 months before decided to give up (but don't you dare give up on your skills!)

Things that I haven't completed

A) Reach 50KG in weight
B) Complete Wreck This Journal

As you can see I have had such a productive year, I guess. I still need to come up with a list for next year but since this year has been quite intense it's going to be tough to find more than 3 things to do next year. Let me know what goals you have completed this year !

Until next time, lovelies.


Follow me on Twitter : @Hashtagaby   Follow me on Instagram : aby1997.   Add me on Snapchat : aby1997.   


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