
It is December 14th and Christmas is on it's way. And as we all know, Christmas , apart from the Religious stuff, is a time for present exchange between you and your loved ones. This year I have decided to write a my Christmas Wish List on my blog (so I can send the link to all my family and friends haha!), and so that I can let you lovely people know what I have had my eye on for a while.

I must admit that over the last few months, I have become quite minimalistic. I have been giving away anything that I don't use or that doesn't have a practical use. That is why writing this Christmas Wish List is going to be hard since I actually don't want a lot of stuff.

This year I have learned that a diary is the best thing ever ! I had  a regular diary this year that was a bit boring but it was a test run to see if I can actually use a diary. Now that I can't live without it, I want a cute, girly diary and Louise's diary is the best in my opinion.

I love to cook but when I have a recipe book that has been written by someone there are always a number of recipes that I don't even want to try because of their ingredients. So, this year I want a blank recipe book so I can write down all my favourite recipes that I find online.

New Shoes

Note : I am not saying this because I am a girl  who loves shoes…I am saying this as a girl whose shoes don't last more than 6 months and they always have holes in them. So, I actually need new running shoes and new ballerina shoes.

Hair Accessories

I was not expecting my hair to be so high maintenance. My hair is at a stage where it cannot be totally be pulled up into a pony tail and for it to be totally be in place it needs a million bobby pins (which I do not have). My sister is legit going to tear me apart limb from limb if I keep making use of her hair accessories, and she is nine.

As you can see, I need rather practical things. These are things that I will get myself eventually but since Christmas is on it's way and people are asking me what I want, I might as well tell them what I actually need.

Until next time, my lovelies


Follow me on Twitter : @Hashtagaby   Follow me on Instagram : aby1997.   Add me on Snapchat : aby1997. 


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