Step 1 to a more Organised Life.

Hey !

Maybe not step 1 for you BUT it was my step 1.

One of my goals for this year was to be more organised and there is nothing more organised than a planner.
What you must understand is that having a planner doesn't mean having to go out (or go online) and find a great yet expensive planner. So, I am going to tell you how to make a planner with stuff you might have running around the house.

First you're going to need an A5 binder. I must admit that I did buy this, but it was a long time ago and it actually wasn't for the purpose of a planner. It was so I can write my story ideas in it.

Secondly : you know those copy books you used to use in school? And you used to only use half of it at school so now you have a pile of unfinished copy books? (Or is this just me?) PAPER. YOU NEED PAPER.
I got most of my paper from old copy books but you can get it from wherever you like.

I guess the paper depends on if you're going to totally DIY this planner and copy templates by hand ( I did this because I have no printer at home and walking to the Stationery to get it all printed off seemed like a hassle since it is freezing cold outside.)

If you are going to print templates then I suggest going on If you search 'Planner printables' you will be overwhelmed by the possibilities.
If you are going to DIY the templates then just do the same thing (Search on Pinterest) and simply get ideas for your planner and DIY.


In my planner I have :
  • A mini calendar. 
  • A menu plan
  • My University Schedule
  • To do list.
  • An expense tracker
  • Goals

Someone gave me the calendar; it's one of those calendars that you're meant to have sitting on top of your desk. I stripped it from the coil and cut the tiny pieces off. Then I punched two holes into each of the paper and put them in my binder.
Tip : Have a pocket diary. Circle dates from your mini calendar but write down the appointment or whatever into the pocket diary. This way when you see the circle you know that you have plans that day.

For the menu plan listed down meal times and an option of what I can have that day. My menu plan has around five day options of high calorie meals since I am trying to gain weight. I recommend not doing the menu plan if you're not the one who cooks at home.

The University I go to actually gave us a time-table template so all I did was punch two holes into it, fill it in, and put it in the binder.

To do list : I have a ton of projects so to keep up with them I created a weekly to do list. Simple; just write the day of the week and a list of things to do that day. Keep it to a maximum of 5 things so that you can work around your daily schedule to get them done.

An expense tracker : I give myself a limit on how much I can spend each month so I have an expense tracker, where I basically write the date, what i bought and how much it cost me.

Goals : I live by goals but this step is totally not at all that important, unless you're like me. Set 3-5 goals for the year. Be realistic.


Another thing you can do is print off weekly calendars just so you can plan your week and it's widespread, making it easier to see when you're busy or not.

Colour coding your planner might be super helpful if you have a weekly calendar. It won't just be a jumble of words written in black/blue. For example : You have an assignment due on Tuesday. So when you see the colour Purple (example) on Tuesday you simply go see what assignment you have due. Instead of reading all the black/blue words trying to find the assignment.

I keep sticky notes in my planner - they're stuck to the cover from the inside. And I find them very useful to write down something you're bound to forget if you don't write it down.

I hope that you find this helpful and that I explained it clearly.

Until next time, lovelies.


Follow me on Twitter : @Hashtagaby   Follow me on Instagram : aby1997.   Add me on Snapchat : aby1997.   


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