Lush Review : Intergalactic bath bomb

Hey !

Today I will be talking about the Intergalactic bath bomb. A.K.A the start of my obsession to Bath Bombs. I think Emma Blackery spoke about this and I was like "I.NEED.IT" then forgot about it until I walked into the Oxford Street Lush Store in London. 

What Lush says about this bath bomb :

Ever wondered what bathing in deep space would be like? Invite the cosmos into your bathroom with this sexy, interstellar bomb and become the guardian of your own galaxy. An awesome mix of refreshing peppermint and neon colour sends your mood rocketing, while popping candy takes you on a trip around the Milky Way. Constellations swirl and pop, creating vibrant lustre vortexes in the night sky. Before you leap too far, rogue layers of vetivert and cedarwood take hold, evoking the warmth of human contact far from home and a hint of 80s aftershave. Return from your intergalactic brief encounter as the grounding scent brings you gently back from orbit. 

What I say about this bath bomb :

I love the sky --  dawn, day,dusk, and night, so I HAD TO try this bath bomb. I went into Lush with the intent of buying this particular bath bomb.
When this bath bomb touches the water, colours immediately flow out of it. I could stare at it dissolve and move around the bath for hours, but I preferred getting into the bath. It was like floating in a citrus scented night sky. The glitters really made it look like there were stars shining inside the bath.
It was felt so relaxing just to lay there with the scent clouding my sense. When I got out the bath I realised that my skin was so much softer ! 
I really do recommend this for anyone who is fascinated with the sky like I am because you can close your eyes and imagine you're in flying at night.

Research about the Product
Contains :
  • Peppermint Oil : Cooling and Invigorating : Really not sure since the water was extremely hot
  • Grapefruit Oil : Uplifting and refreshing  : Agreed
  • Vetivert Oil : Restorative and relaxing   : Agreed.
  • Cedarwood oil : Toning and Balancing : Not sure.

5/5 stars! Definitely would repurchase and I already have....TWICE.

Until next time, lovelies.


Follow me on Twitter : @Hashtagaby   Follow me on Instagram : aby1997.   Add me on Snapchat : aby1997. 


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